Tuesday, April 29, 2014

welcome to Londyns Bridges

I am so excited that Londyns fashion blog is now up and live! I just want to welcome all my new followers and explain how this all came to be and it might help you better understand why I post so many pictures on my instagram & facebook of my little Londyn Ann. I have waited for my little princess my whole life & have loved sharing her beauty & her amazing little personality with all of you. Let me just say how very blessed we are to have amazing friends and family. It makes me so proud to know that my little Londyn not only brings her daddy & I so much joy but also everybody around us such joy! She is deifinatelty a princess worth waiting for. With this blog I will be sharing where we find Londyns cute clothes along with how they are sized , style tips, how to accessorize and many other things that I may not share on Instagram ,facebook or pinterest! So please follow & help support my gorgeous little princess. She is our little miracle and I just love her so much! below is how a short story of how this all got started....
Four years ago Greg & I decided to go off birth control we really wanted to have a baby. We thought, "How hard could it be to make a baby?" Well I started getting ovarian cysts, actually a lot of ovarian cysts and a whole lot of other health problems. My whole body just felt like it was changing and then about three years ago I started skipping periods every other month. It was very scary and no doctor could diagnose it, they just kept saying everything looks fine and healthy, but no, everything was not fine.

Being 24 years old and skipping periods every other month for no reason at all is neither fine nor healthy. Every month I skipped a period I would take a pregnancy test just in case and it was one heartbreak after another. Seeing the test come back negative and not knowing what was going on with my body was both frustrating and terrifying. It was the worse feeling ever- I never knew if I should be excited because I didn't get my period could this mean I was pregnant or if I should be upset because my body was being weird and just not having a period. After a while I stopped taking the tests and gave up hope. We were so frustrated and it was so hard because it felt like everybody around me was getting pregnant and moving on with life. I watched friends, my little sister and my niece all in true bliss over getting pregnant. It truly stung and left me heartbroken and questioning why I was not good enough to get pregnant? Don't get me wrong I was so happy for them but only those of us who have had a hard time getting pregnant or are going through something similar know just how depressing and scary the whole thing really is. You can't help but think "What's wrong with me? What am I doing wrong? Why does that person get to have a baby but I can't have mine? Am I not good enough? Am I not worthy enough?” etc…

This last year Greg & I finally found an amazing doctor in American Fork and they finally diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovarian Syndromewhere it caused me to skip periods. Basically, woman get small cysts every month and they pop at 2 cm then ovulation comes. That's normal, but mine would turn into huge cysts and never pop, thus causing me to miss periods. It would happen on my left ovary so I would, in a sense, not ovulate. If I am correct, it is like having one ovary but not really because doctors told me both my ovaries are healthy. It's really confusing and frustrating. They put me on a medication called metformin to help it because I guess it had to do with my insulin. My doctor still doesn't even know if it's polycystic that I have but that is the only explanation they can think of. The doctors were not worried at all though, they told me we would become pregnant eventually and have a normal healthy pregnancy, so that was very reassuring.

My doctor also put me on a medication called Chlomid. A lot of my friends were on it, which made me feel better, and everybody kept telling me to wait till the third month, the last month of Chlomid, and it would happen. Sure enough, the third month came around (June 2012) and I was not pregnant, instead I had a huge ovarian cyst that they had to remove with surgery. However, during that surgery the doctor did all these tests to make sure everything was ok and he removed scar tissue from previous cysts. He found nothing wrong with me and there was nothing wrong with Greg either. We both were very healthy and everything was working. He was positive the second round of Chlomid would work and now that the scar tissue was removed and everything was "refreshed" and cleaned out, he was even more sure. I, however, had my doubts, but I would try anything even if it meant trying it again and again and again. While I was on it I could feel my left ovary working this time. It was very painful and uncomfortable because Chlomid kicks it into gear, but I was happy and relieved that it was doing SOMETHING. Meanwhile, I decided to work on myself and focus on improving all aspects of my life, especially my relationship with the Lord. I had a new outlook on life and was finally happy again. I knew that if not in this life time, I would be with my children in the next. I wasn't stressing as much or thinking about it constantly like I was before. I just let life happen and I stopped trying to control everything. I decided to give myself over to the Lord and put all my trust and faith in him, and sure enough on November 14,2012 after the third and final month of the second round of Chlomid,  our prayers had been answered. Finally we had created our little miracle.

It has been quite a long, hard journey, but that is what makes our miracle baby so much more special. The tears, the pain, and the sleepless nights were all worth it! We have waited a long time for Londyn and we have never been happier. How I lived 26 years without her, I will never know. When we finally got to welcome our little miracle into our family here on earth, it was the most amazing moment of my life. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and I know deep down in my heart that heavenly father just wanted more time with our precious angel because she is so perfect. We thank the lord so much for this trial- it has made us so much stronger and I am so blessed to have a husband like Greg who held strong for me through this difficult time; for his blessings he would give me day and night, and for his strength and faith. As hard as it was, it taught us so much.

Thanks again everybody who has stood by to support us. If you have been diagnosed with PCOplease know that there is hope and I truly hope our story has given you that hope.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. Your story is almost exactly the same as mine! I love having someone who can relate and fully understand. Good bless you and your family!!
